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Memorial Day 2021 - Why now is the perfect time to buy or sell!

If this morning while you were sipping on your daily cup-a-joe, you had any thoughts about selling your home, now’s your chance! The market is booming! It’s one of the best seller’s markets in history, meaning that there are more buyers than homes for sale, which is driving prices up, up, up!

Memorial Day usually is the start of a dip in real estate activity as the kids get out of school, families go on vacation, and people want to enjoy the summer. But, COVID has changed all of that and there is a lot of pent up demand to move. Spending more time than ever at home over the last year has taught people the importance of having an environment that is functional, comfortable and has the features and amenities that bring them joy. If their current home can’t meet those standards, the only option is to move! Luckily, interest rates are still at historic lows so purchasers have more buying power and they are anxious to use it.

Take advantage of the long Memorial Day weekend to get in touch with your local Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices real estate professional to discuss listing your home for sale, finding your dream home, or both!

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